Please find below other waste management services the Recycler offers or is currently researching:

Confidential Paper Destruction

The Recycler specializes in destroying confidential documents through the process of recycling. This service allows for complete destruction and end to end confidential treatment. We also allow for the client to supervise the process to ensure their documents are safe. 

Electronic Waste

The Recycler has recently started taking E-waste along with a local partner. Contact us for more information.

Insect-derived Protein

The Recycler currently has a pilot project in Dar es Salaam that uses native insects to eat organic waste. These insects are then dried out to be used as feed. We have finished are preliminary studies are excited to be scaling up! For more information click here.

Household Compost bin

The Recycler now sells a Household Compost Bin with its sister company Biobuu Limited. Contact us for more information.


The Recycler has recently finished a research paper on using non-recyclable waste for energy. We hope to be able to offer a zero waste to landfill option in the future where the recyclables are taken out for recycling, the organic waste is used for bio-gas, composting or insect feed and everything that is left is used for energy capture.

Waste-water treatment

The Recycler has linked up with a local company to offer small, medium and large scale solutions for waste-water. The company has already implemented multiple waste-water treatment plants in Tanzania with many satisfied customers. Contact us to set up a meeting. We also offer collection of waste water


We have done extensive research for bio-gas options and are currently putting together a proposal to take this further in order to put a large-scale bio-gas plant near Dar es Salaam that would take in organic waste and convert it to energy. We have access to over 400 tons of organic waste per day, and believe we could produce around 5 MWs